Walter & Jeanette RidgleyWalter has been part of NBCM since 1978. He is married to Jeanette, Eugene & Helen Morse's third daughter. Walter works primarily in the Thai language with a focus on “business as mission” and church planting. His strategy is to disciple Christians in the business setting as well as introduce non Christians to the gospel message. He is currently working with two church plants, strengthening them so they can have the capacity to plant sister churches. Jeanette has had a strategic role in establishing the financial systems within the business as well as continuing to support Walter in ministry. |
CHURCH PLANTINGPartnering with national pastors to disciple their congregations and facilitate indigineous church planting efforts. Preaching, teaching and serving in an advisory role to encourage the national leadership as they share Christ with their own people. |
Business as missionsMaking disciples by living out the commands of Jesus in the workplace. Equipping and encouraging so that individuals and communities are transformed spiritually, economically and socially. With the goal of glorifying God and establishing His Kingdom. |
DISCIPLESHIPDiscipling believers within the natural context of their working environment, therefore fulfilling the mandate of the great commission. This informal relational methodology seems to be the most effective method to deepen and enrich their relationship with Christ. |
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